I would like to acknowledge the help and support of the following organizations and individuals at Northwestern University, where development of the site began:
- Dept. of Hispanic Studies: Gonzalo Díaz-Migoyo, Chair
- Academic Computing and Networking Services: Brian Nielsen, Joe Germuska, Bob Taylor, Sue Gautsch, Lucia Samaras
- Multi-Media Learning Center: Janine Spencer, Harlan Wallach; "Tug" Fifer
- University Library: Stu Baker.
Special thanks to Harlan Wallach for the cockle shell icon, as well as for his excellent advice on Web Page creation issues.
Additional thanks are now due to Wayne Miller of the Humanities Computing Facility at UCLA for his support for the site and for his invaluable help in getting it established in its new home.
The Camino de Santiago site was designed to work in conjunction with a university course which its designer taught at Northwestern University. It has been updated to work in conjunction with a university course being taught at the University of California, Los Angeles. It is intended ONLY for instructional academic use and should NOT be used for any commercial purpose. Any questions ot comments should be directed to John Dagenais, Associate Professor, Department of Sapnish & Portuguese, University of California, Los Angeles.